It doesn't make you a ****, people called me a **** just because all the boys they liked, liked me. I was a virgin then. **** isn't really that bad of a word and the people are just jelous. anyhoo, be careful with all these boys - use protection and don't be easy.Need teens advice 10 point to the best answer?
First off, how old are you? And do you live in a small town? In how much time did you sleep with these men? You cant change what you have done and its hard knowing that other people know what you did. I was in a few situations alot worse than yours but really 5 guys arent nothan compared to the amt of sex thats goin on between teens. Ive been called so many names but I dont let that bother me cuz I wasnt put on this earth to worry about what people had thought about me. People have their opinion but you dont have to listen to them or acknowledge it. Someone will always talk about you til the day you die and the best way to get on is to prove everyone that you are better than what they say. Stop having sex. Things will eventually die down with time
If you're a teenager I think you need to start re-thinking your logic. No one has a right to call you anything but your name, but unfortunately you cannot stop people from doing so. Only you can decide what type of reputation you withhold. Obviously, you've done some things that are coming back to you in a negative way now. From now on, I suggest you take the lesson you've been dealt with and be a teenager for as long as you possibly can. Have fun, focus on studies, extra curricular activities etc... and don't worry too much about gossip and going up the high-school social ladder. What matters the most while you're in school is your education, not how much everyone likes you, or what guys you've slept with.
there are girls out there that have been with more guys then it doesn't make you a **** it's more like your easy unless all 5 men you dated at different times for longer then 2months. you need to know that in order to get respect you have to respect you and your body first. guys can be so mean unless they want sex from you then they can be quite the romeo's but remember that sleeping with them won't make them respect you, love you , or want to be with you. have you heard guys talk about girls that they hooked up with they never have anything respectful to say about them. if they respected the girl they wouldn't be talking about it to there buddys.
well all i don't know if i helped i hope i did but just learn to respect your self and keep your selp outta sittution that make you look bad. and if you get in a sittuation that you want out of before it leads to sex then get out that's better then doing it just cause he wants you to. i've put myself in that spot and i got out but i think the guy ended up talking bad about me any way but it was kinda funny cause i know it littarlly killed his ego. i'm 23 years old i've only been with 3 men all relationships. i lost my viginity when i was 18. alot girls don't wait that long there always in a hurry.
you sound like a good person and i can tell by the question that you do have some respect for your self but not enough.
there is someone out there who is going to love you someday and if you keep sleeping with guys you don't actually have a relationship with and there one night stand how are you going to explain to that special person that you have had sex with a big number of men and they meant nothing to you.
i hope i helped your not a **** high schools can be so mean and it will get better.
Well im gonna be true bout this and it might sounded a bit mean but im sorry.If you did sleep with 5 different men and you arent going out with them.then that does mean you are a ****.the way to try and make people to stop calling you that is by stop sleepin with different men.Just do it with a boyfriend if you have one or when you get one.and ingore the people that call you a **** or anything else.hope this helpz a bit
I'm not a teenager, but I've got experience, so I suggest you keep your business to yourself. If you want to hook up, that's your business and you don't need to go around kissin-and-tellin. Also make sure the guys you deal with are mature, you don't want to deal losers, especially big- mouth losers, and another thing you coould do is go out with guys from different schools and also date older guys.
well.. i think back on why you did it... if you actually felt a connection with the person dated them for a while and then slept with them and it didnt work out for whatever reason then no your not a **** **** happens and you cant make everythingggggg work.
if your doing it for the pleasure or you just end up drunk sleeping with a guy then yes that makes you a ****.
so ask yourself that and if you are doing it for the wrong reasons go to church i guess.... sex can be addictive and not only to men girls too
um all depends on your age. and there prob is nothing you can do to make that name calling stop beacse people are rude and they think they know all but w/e there are prob worst kids out there that have done worst things n slept with alot more guys so i dont think you should take mind of it. but you could hang out with your girl friends more and try nt to jsut sleep with people. and if it was guys that you were going out with then thats nothing to be called a **** about its ur bf.
Okay. This is what you need to do.
Dont let people know your business. BC people will talk, no matter what. and trust me its not good to tell people who youve slept with.
Be careful who you trust. Dont worry about what other people think about you. Keep your composure and handle the problems and situations calmly.
When someone says something about you, just say listen, i make my own decisions, who are you to judge the life i live i suggest before you start pointing your fingers make sure your hands are clean.
IGNORE all the bad stuff.
and stay true to yourself.
Always wear a condom, and dont sleep with alot of guys. find a guy that loves u for who u are and spend every moment with them. its so much fun to have someone you can completely trust.
well no that does not make you a ****. i have a friend that's 17 and slept with almost 20 guys and she lost her virginity at the age of 15. that's a true **** for you. and no they don't have a right to call you a ****. the people that say you are a **** have probably slept with more people then you times ten. so i would not take to much to the heart cause they are just a bunch of hypocrites.
I kinda have the same problem as you, except i haven't slept with that much guys. The thing you do is, just dont mind them, it kinda worked for me actually. I mean you like what you're doing (if you do) and it's your life. In the future, maybe those people could have slept with more people than you.
Just leave them alone and it's no biggy :)
first of all you shouldn't be sleeping with anyone that not your b/f or husband period. you should no that boys goosip hunnie. and by you doing stuff with them there going to tell there friend. honestly if ther was a rumor that you slept with 5 diff. boys i would honestly call you a hoar. so just stop it until you find the right one baby cause your gonna end up catching something sooner or later.
first of all you should stop sleeping with the ones that are going ot tell if you want to sleep around then my advise is to go elsewhere to do it so people do not know. as long as you are doing it in school or with school freinds then they will continue to call you ****. sorry this is the way of the world and peers
Under no circumstances is it right to call anyone a ****.
If you do sleep with men, don't be open or public about it, and be careful about STDs and all of that.
It's your body and your life. Do whatever you want, but be responsible.
if you were around like 13-15 maybe but that is what i say i havent slept with any guy yet cuz i think that i am to young but this one gurl at my school has slept with a alot of different guys about 10 times to and she gets called that name alot
respect your self and your body first,,,you must keep only for one loving you truely and want to marry but as you give your body to any one you will be [protistiue] it is bad thing for you and your family stop this immediatly and controll your wishes
Ok here's what you do......STOP!!!!! Are you taken by anyone (bf) if you don't then you have the right to mingle a little you may just find the right one by doing so lol. But, if you REALLY wanna stop then just don't do it only you can stop yourself.
5 DIFFERENT? It DOES kind of make a right. Because, no girl should sleep with over 3 different guys. Just be careful. If it was a short period of time, then yes. But if it was years, then not really.
Stop now! Remember... what ever you do is a choice that you have made. Let them say as you have no right to stop them for giving their judgement. Nothing is too late. Take care of yourself!
no. nothing you do gives anybody the right to call you a **** and put you down. maybe you had strong feelings for all those guys. just ingnore the comments and i'm sure they'll stop. good luckkkk.
It sounds like you are a little too young to be having sex. Don't get involved with another man until you are much older. Do yourself a favor and concentrate on your education
It's not the number of guys that you sleep with, it's how you go about doing it... If you sexing everyone in school down then they are going to talk...
just avoid guys for now
hang out with your girl friends
and if a guys flirts with you,, just like say something or avoid him kinda
well its ur fault for sleepin with 5 different stop sleepin around n theres no change in that....a **** will always be a ****...a tiger cant just change his spots....
umm well if u've slept with at least 5 men then your not the most desirable girl but thats ok.....
try hanging out with the girls more often.
it kinda does if everyone knows about it
n try not 2 be were all the guys are n b wit ya gurls more
Hell yes
naw you just made bad desicions they are picking on you to feel better about them selves
depends on how old you are
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