Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Athletic advice please. Need to make best of the last 4 weeks.?

Hello, I am competing in Karate tournament in 4 weeks. I have been working out the best I can although the worst case of allergy/sinus infection prevented me from training full for the last 8 weeks. I feel little better, I want to do well especially for people who cares about me. But I feel 4 weeks is pushing it. Please advice me on how I can get the most out of the time left to be in peak condition as far as cardio goes, I am still suffering from allergy of some sort, and by breathing is like only half. Been to doctor so many times, on 8 meds, now down to 5 meds,etc...all I can do at this point is to build up a cardio to the best I can be. The fight is like 3 min sprint of 3 round, then if you advance, you do it all over again....I think I can only do one round of one 3 min. right now.....Please share your expertise and how would you prepare me for the event? Its important to me. No time to be testing out and playing out, But need a program and get started right away. Thank you.Athletic advice please. Need to make best of the last 4 weeks.?
I kicked box for two years and your number one concern should be your stamina. If you can't go 5, 3 min rounds then you shouldn't compete. I know you said its 3, 3 minute rounds which is the norm for karate and kickboxing. But, you need to be able to last 5 rounds even if you go 3. Without stamina you are doomed before you get started.

Get a punching bag and go for 5, 3 minute rounds. Do this every day. With a minimum of 30 hits or kicks per minute. Next you need to do at least 100 pushups and situps twice a day ever other day.

And take this advice, if you can't go one round on the day of the match, don't get in the ring or you will be humiliated and your self esteem will nose dive fast.Athletic advice please. Need to make best of the last 4 weeks.?
Good question what I would do is ask a sports trainer.There is one at this site who works with athletes and I believe give you a good answer.


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