Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Your thoughts and advice...relationship with my [best] friend!?

I'll try to keep this short...but its a long story!

I've been really close friends with a guy friend of mine for a long time...since high school. He's liked me on and off but I've never taken it seriously.

He used to be the friend I could tell everything and anything to (he still is), and I just recently told him that I liked him back...

We decided to take things slow and see how they go. We know mostly everything about each other, so there is nothing to hide.

I've been married and divorced and he's been there for now that we're starting to get closer, I think he's intimidated.

My question is this: how can I make him feel better about the situation? I have a lot more experience than he does, but I don't want him to think that because he dosn't know what he's doing, he should be scared to try it.

He's also still a virgin. That's not the problem...the problem is, I think he thinks since I'm experienced, that I must know everything. When in reality, it would be with a new person, so it would be different.

How can I hint to him, without being forward, that its better to give it a try even if your shy or nervous, rather than just not go for it? I'm trying to show him that whatever he does I'll be game for, but how can I be suggestive with these personal matters without embarrasing him or hurting his feelings??

Thanks in advance, sorry this is so long!Your thoughts and advice...relationship with my [best] friend!?
Just tell him exactly what you mentioned in your question. You have to be straight forward with people sometimes and if its meant to be it will just tell him whats on your mind.
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