Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Need CRUSH ADVICE PLZ 10 points best answer?

I'm a junior in high school and i like a girl in one of my classes. Over the last few months we have been talking more in class. I've gotten to know her better and i feel like we made a connection. i was gonna tell her how i feel about her, but i found out she was dating someone else. I found out one day when in the halls before first class i saw her holding hands with a guy, a i asked a friend of mine if they were dating and she said they were. My spirit just shattered at that moment.Shes a junior too and the guy shes dating is a senior. I really want to date her and get to know her better. I truely care about her. I know i shouldn't but into her relationship and i wont.


Do you think they will break up because he is going to college next year, even though his college is close by?

Would it be a good idea to try to get closer to her and get to know her better?Need CRUSH ADVICE PLZ 10 points best answer?
Aw, I'm sorry to hear that :[. Just try thinking positive. I'm not saying all relationships don't work out to well, but most teenagers when there in a relationship it usually doesn't seem to last that long. But i think you should definitely still talk to her and try being close friends with her. And are you sure you're friend wasn't just guessing that they were going out? Because maybe you should try asking her?. But I think you should still be open.. like don't just have you're mind on her. See if there are any other girls you would be interested in and maybe try getting to know them better? Because you never know how long she is gonna be with this guy, and you don't want to waste you're whole life on her.Need CRUSH ADVICE PLZ 10 points best answer?
you should back off for a little while and if she has had a lot of dating experience this year you can almost count on them breakin up but just let it be for now get to know her while your not datin her what can it hurt
Don't be put off by the fact that she is dating someone else. If you really care for her then fight for her! Fight until there's nothing more that you can possibly do. If it still doesn't work out then sod it, it's not meant to be. But I say better to try and know for sure then give up and always regret it.

With that said, never compromise who you are. Don't change your personality to fit a shape that you think she would go for. If she doesn't like you for who you really are, then she's not the right person for you.

There's someone for everyone out there. Don't sell yourself short.

Miko x

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