Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Girls i need some advice......i like my best freind....?

I like this girl who is my best freind and ive liked her for awhile and ive turned down alot of good lookin girls for her, only like two people know about it, and im pretty sure she dosent know either, but she just broke up wit someone but she likes another guy, and shes dated this guy before, but my freinds tell me to give up becuase she dosent like me, she sees me as a freind, but when its just the two of us we flirt constantly i feel like were going out and she even told me she would go out wit me but that was before her ex, and ive already gone out with her once before but she broke up with me becuase she thought i like another girl but that was last year but were such good freinds but i really like her at the same time were constantly hanging out tooo, what shoul i doGirls i need some advice......i like my best freind....?
talk to her, ask her yourself, don't believe what other people say until she says it directly to you! talk to her, be friends, ask her out. take it from there. if you guys flirt, then it means she's into you too. ~good luck!~Girls i need some advice......i like my best freind....?
^^^that was cold Alaska!!! GO OUT WIT HER!!! if everything you say is true then she TOTALLY DIGS YOU! are you kidding me!! just walk up to her, and be like ';i really like you, and nobody else, and i want to be with you. i want to be more then friends.'; and tell alaska to keep his mouth quite, he doesn't know anything bout this kinda stuff!
if she liked you, shed be with you already.

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