Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I need advice! *10 pts to best answer*?

I graduated from highschool a month ago. And everyone (except my parents) seem to be pressuring me into making the decision of what I want to do with the rest of my freakin life now. Honestly I have no idea what I want to do, and I'm taking a year off the gather my thoughts.

Every time I tell anyone, I get this ';loser'; look. Has anyone else gone through this and what did you do? How long did it take for you to figure out what you wanted to do? And what did you end up doing?

What I really want to do is be a mom. But I know that will come later in my life and until then I need to figure out something. Not really ready for kids now. lol

For the stay at home moms (if any) do you love or hate it?

serious answers please. sorry for being so random!I need advice! *10 pts to best answer*?
look i took off a year after i graudated n im glad i did,n i go ta job at our local walmart,i had my own apartment n nice car bfor i was 22,,n yes win i said i was taking off a year i got that looser look to but win my friends saw wha ti had n they had kids to raise, i felt sorry for them,,but now i am happ;y married with 2daughters,,n they have everything they wan tor need,,there dad is a lawyer n i had taken some course in law while working,n we work great together,,so peace n love go out to u,,n just injoy ure life while ure young cause win u hit 40 it flies by..peaceI need advice! *10 pts to best answer*?
so your going to laze around for a year? if i were a one of your parents i would be like o.k. heres the deal. get into a college, if you want a comminity college i dont care, find out what you want to do and take a course or to. they dont offer stay at home moms course. or get out and get a full time job, and i dont care what you do but your not going to sponge off us anymore if your not going to college full time. you get a loser look because you have a loser idea.
stay at home mums are happy lots only if u have a financial security.... you Can choose it for ahead but you must have ready Some source of income ready so that u don't face a trouble in your married life i know u wont agree with it but none of the ladies facing marriage troubles wished for it... so think of something that interests you u Can contact a career counselor even n also if possible dont waste a year its a big time...
Really you shouldn't listen to anyone do what you think is right. Your family may not approve now but they will later on. i get that from my dad all the time. Just tell them your idea is good but i think i wonna do....()

And you should really get enough time to think about what you wonna do. your still young
DONT TAKE A YEAR OFF! It wil make it harder to get back whatever you plan to do.
I have 7 children ranging fro the ages of 8 months to 17 years. I have been both aworking mom and a stay at home mom. When I was working I missed the kids when I was at home they drove me nuts. Children grow so fast. I have a daughter your age going through the same dilema. My advice to her was to find herself first. If this included her education and career more power to her. I can only offer you afvice, in the end its going to be up to you my dear. But let me tell you this--being a mom is not easy at all, but it is very rewarding.
If you are going to take a year off, then I would suggest travelling. The only way to experience life is to see how other people are doing it. If you want to find out what you are going to go in the future (even if it is being a housewife), then make sure by going and seeing the world first. If you stay at home and do nothing for a year, how can that change your perception, or even give you any indication on where you want your life to go. Not everyone will decide when they finish school what they want from life, because sometimes the have yet to see something that gets their passion going.

Good Luck
Do not take a year off, it only makes things worse. Pick a college and go. Just choose ANYTHING that sounds remotely interesting. You will be taking your basics first for the first two years anyway. You can change your major at any point if or when you find something else you would enjoy more. But trust me, taking a year off makes getting in the groove of school a lot harder, and it doesn't do anything for helping to find what you want to do. In fact for me, I am trying to find something to do with my life that DOESN'T involve college now.

So pick a college, choose a major that interests you even somewhat, and go, even if the college is far from home. You will enjoy it, you will make friends there, and you will still be visiting home at LEAST for a few months in the summer.

Experience college. Don't make the same mistake I did.
I am a stay at home mom and I love it,, sometimes it get boring......but,,,If ypu want to take a year off, I see nothing wrong with that, after all, you put in 12 long years......

I suggest after a year you should further your education,,,

you dont have to decide what career to go into yet...

I know a lady who waited until she was 30 to go to college and now she is very sucessful, I dont recomend that you wait that long and even if you decide to be a stay at home mom,its better that you are an educated stay at home mom.
You must be kidding. I don't suppose you know the value of a year. You have seen your seniors and how they went about choosing their careers. Almost all of them had pre-planned and made up their minds looking into the grades they got in different subjects much well in advance. They would have even discussed it in class, friends circles, parents etc etc. It's really astonishing that you have graduated from High School and still are unsure about your life.

Better late than never. Even now you have time to think over if and if only you act fast. Go about youyr strong points and your favourite subjects and browse the net for future guidance. Fix up an appointment with career guidance experts. Talk to your parents. All will be understanding and guide you properly. Don't take unnecessary rests while studying, its not only harmful but you will also find it very very difficult to put yourself back on track after such a long layoff.

Good luck to you.

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