Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I need advice! boyfriends and guy best friend?

okay, so i have a boyfriend and i love him a lot. but he keeps getting jealous cause my best friend is a guy. like the other night my boyfriend wanted me to call him and i said i was on the on the phone with the other guy (my best friend) and then my boyfriend got mad and wouldn't talk to me.

there is absolutely nothing going on between me and the other guy. he's just a friend. i mean, we tell each other everything and talk on the phone and hang out a lot. he's going through some rough times though and has issues with chicks and drugs, so i'm obviiousy gonna be there for him. i just don't want my boyfriend to be hurt by it. i tried to talk to him about it, but he just said it didn't matter if it bothered him or not and that he didn't want to talk about it. please help!I need advice! boyfriends and guy best friend?
Yup, nothing much you can do. You could talk less to your best friend I guess, but it doesn't sound like you want to.

You only have a problem when either one demands you start talking less/spending less time with the other one.

If your boyfriend only gets mad on occasion I wouldn't worry about it. He's just one of those jealous types. Learn to live with it or break up with him if you can't handle it any longer and he doesn't want to work it out.I need advice! boyfriends and guy best friend?
im good friends with a girl and her bf hates me

dont talk to either, text then u dont have to tell either who ur talking to

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